Q & A
Q: Where is the Hospital located in Amritsar ?
A: Dr.Daljit Singh Eye Hospital is located on the Mall Road , Near Ram Aashram School , Opposite Nirmal Swami in Amritsar. It is 1.5 KM from the Railway Station and 1 KM from the main bus stand. Amritsar Airport is 13 Km from the Hospital
Q: Is Ayushmaan Card (Golden Card ) accepted at the hospital ?
A: Yes Sir, Golden Card is accepted at the hospital for Eye Treatments.
Q: What other Government Health Schemes are implemented in the hospital ?
A: Sir, we accept Ayushmaan Card, CHGS card, CAPF Card for cashless treatment of Eye Diseases at the hospital.
Q: On which days of the week are patients examined in the hospital ?
A: Patients are examined daily except Sunday. OPD timings are 9.30 am to 1.30 pm.
Q: Which days of the week are operations conducted in the hospital ?
A: Operations are conducted on Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday and Saturday. No operations conducted on Sunday.
Q: How to fix appointment at the hospital ?
A: Appointment may be fixed online through our website www.daljiteye.com . Log on into the website and press the "Online Appointment " button and follow the easy instructions.
Q: What preparations to do before coming to the hospital (Important) ?
- General medical checkup with family doctor.
- Blood Pressure Testing
- Blood Sugar testing , 2 hours after meals (Normal level <170 mg%)
- Fresh ECG test with printout.
- Cardiac (Heart) Fitness report for patients with a history of heart problem.
- To stop blood thinning medicines 3 days prior to surgery prior to surgery after written permission from physician.
- List of medicines with a history of Allergy.
- Do not stop your medicines that you may be taking for Blood Pressure and Blood sugar control.
- Bring along photocopy of all documents of treatments being taken currently.
Q: What do I need to know for insurance related cases ?
- Talk to your insurance agent to know the current status of your insurance
- For cashless treatment , make sure "Dr.Daljit SIngh Eye Hospital" is amongst the list of network hospitals for your insurance company.
- Please carry along the identity card provided by the insurance company.
- Please be ready to wait for at least 24 hours ( sometimes more) for the hospital to get permission from the insurance company/ TPA.
- In case of denial of permission due to any reason, please carry enough cash/ credit card to pay for your treatment.
- Sometimes cashless permission mentions a limit up to which they could make payment and the rest is then to be borne by the patient.
- In case your insurance does not allow cashless treatment , then complete payment has to be made by the patient . It is mandatory for these patients to stay admitted in the hospital for at least 24 hours.Post treatment , payment receipts , treatment summary and certificate shall be issued by the hospital , which have to be given to your insurance agent , who then shall process your reimbursement from the insurance company. Insurance companies may reimburse full or partial expenses incurred in your treatment depending on your insurance.
Q: What process should the ECHS patients follow?
- Get a referral issued from the ECHS polyclinic.
- Get it endorsed from the local ECHS polyclinic if you are from another town.
- Please mention that you wish to get treatment done at "Dr.Daljit Singh Eye Hospital".
- Visit our hospital and report at the ECHS counter with your referral slip and your ECHS smart card.
- An OPD card shall be issued to the patient and then he gets his eye examination done.
- In case patient only requires on OPD exam , he shall be advised treatment. Medicines prescribed shall be provided by ECHS polyclinic.
- Glasses prescribed by the hospital have to be spent for by the patient himself.
- In case any operation, procedure or surgery has to be done, an Appendix-A shall be issued by the hospital which has to be carried by the patient to the ECHS polyclinic and permission has to be taken to enable "Dr.Daljit Singh Eye Hospital " to carry out the treatment.
- Visit "Dr.Daljit Singh Eye Hospital" and get your treatment scheduled.
- Local patients may stay home .
- Patients from out of town may need to be admitted to Dr.Daljit SIngh Eye Hospital at - Mall Road.
- Both outpatient procedures as well as surgical procedures are carried out at are carried out at Dr.Daljit SIngh Eye Hospital , 1, Radha Soami Road , Mall Road , Amritsar.
Q: What things have to be made sure before getting a young child operated ?
- Young children usually operated under general anaesthesia
- Child's Haemoglobin (Hb) should be 10.0 grams or above.
- Bleeding time and and Clotting time should be normal.
- The child should not be suffering from any fever, cough or loose motions.
- A fitness report should be taken from a local child specialist to make sure that the child is fit to undergo surgery under general anaesthesia.
- Children should also be tested for any congenital (by birth ) defects.
- All children to be operated under General Anaesthesia must get a Negative COVID-19 RTPCR test report within the last 72 hours.